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help us support you
and stay free from government and market

House of the Beloved exists thanks to the generosity and support of our friends and visitors. Living on donations is an ancient monastic tradition. It makes us independent from the government and the free market. This allows us to seek and embody what is true without compromise, and keeps our activities and the connections we forge as the goal, not as a means to an end. Thank you for your contributions. Even €5 makes a difference.

to make a donation:

5 euro.jpg
20 euro.jpg
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99 euro.jpg

or choose your amount:

IBAN BE54 7370 7190 1897


House of the beloved vzw

Emile Bockstaellaan 22, 1020 Laken 

(with the reference “gift HOTB”)

Want to support more?

OPTION 1: Monthly contribution as a co-tenant:


You pay a monthly amount (between €1 and €1500) to account IBAN BE55 7340 5023 9844, BIC/SWIFT: KREDBEBBXXX, STIJN SMEETS, Emile Bockstaellaan 22, 1020 Laken (Brussels). PayPal: (coming up).

OPTION 2: Monthly contribution via the non-profit:


You pay a monthly amount (starting from €1) to account IBAN BE54 7370 7190 1897, BIC/SWIFT: KREDBEBBXXX, House of the beloved vzw, Emile Bockstaellaan 22, 1020 Laken (Brussels) (with the reference “gift HOTB”).

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