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House of the beloved is an incubator to rethink living, learning, and loving. We’re developing an experimental, intergenerational living and learning community where everyone is invited to express their own way of being human. At the heart of our journey are core practices like authentic presence, collective decision-making (deep democracy, liberating structures), and radical engaged pedagogy. You can stay with us for a while, join our Summer retreat, share your thoughts in our think tanks, or join our experimental school. We look forward to connecting with you!



Our residency program is a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in contemporary monastic practices that invite you to fully choose and embody your own way of being human. The usual pressures of time, money, beauty, happiness, health and normalcy are laid aside, so the craziness of your calling to authentic presence can break through.


summer retreat

Join us for a transformative week-long immersion in the magical nature of the Belgian Ardennes! We’re developing an experimental, intergenerational living and learning community where everyone is invited to express their own way of being human. 


children's school

In deze school plaatsen we diversiteit en samen-anders-zijn centraal. Het hart van deze school is existentiële ontwikkeling: je eigen manier van mens-zijn ontdekken, ontwerpen en tot uitdrukking brengen. Door een stimulerende omgeving te bieden, ondersteunen we kinderen in het ontwikkelen van autonomie en zelfexpressie.

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singing circle

Join us for a circle of devotional singing and storytelling (like kirtan). Feel free to join with your family, including kids! Let's give up our bodies to music and dance!


think tank

Let’s collectively dive into a radical, engaged pedagogy: a fusion of critical, feminist, and anti-colonial educational approaches, with a strong emphasis on well-being. This means that teachers also commit to a process of self-development and self-recognition, promoting their own well-being and enabling them to teach in a way that makes students free and autonomous​

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