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monastic rules

At the core of our monastic life is the practice of "being different together". To support this practice, we made five simple rules that help you cut straight through the shenanigans of your mind. These are suggestions to strive for, we don’t expect you to master them before you come (but don’t hold back either!). In the rare case that you think you already embody all five, we really look forward to meeting you and putting that to the test.

don't seek fulfilment

stop the endless cycle of more of what you like and less of what you don’t like

own your experience

take full responsibility of your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs

embrace social rejection

let go of your need for social approval

let go of ideas about right and wrong

so you will not judge yourself, others, and the world

be with what is

without trying to make anything happen or prevent anything from happening

our quest in one question:

what in the face of death is worth living for?

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