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establishing a meditation practice

Based on “Atomic Habits” by James Clear

YouTube summary (below)


3 core ideas:​

  • Getting 1% better every day (start with 2 minutes, add more time each day)

  • Forget about setting goals, focus on changing your habits

  • To change behavior, change your identity (I am a yogi) and your processes (creating a habit of meditating), and the outcomes will follow

  • Don't be fooled by the valley of disappointment (see below)




Become familiar with the habit loop: cue - craving - response - reward


cue: you wake up

craving: you want to feel alert

response: you drink a cup of coffee

reward: You satisfy your craving to feel alert

How to make the habit loop work for you?


cue: make it obvious


Make a habit score card (to become aware of your habits)

  •     wake up - check social media - snooze - take shower - make lunch - …


Use implementation intentions: I will do [BEHAVIOR] at [TIME] in [LOCATION]

  •     I will meditate at 6am in the meditation room


Use habit stacking: after [CURRENT HABIT], I will [NEW HABIT]

  •     After I showered, I will meditate.


Design your environment: make cues of good habits obvious and visible

  •     Create a place dedicated to meditation (one place, one use)

  •     Install an altar, meditation cushion ready to use in the morning

  •     Place quotes or picture around the house to remind you of meditating    

craving: make it attractive


Use temptation bundling. Pair an action you want to do with an action you need to do.

  •     I meditate outside to get fresh air at the same time

  •     mindset: replace “I have to meditate” with “I’m acquiring a more fresh and calm mind” 

Join a culture where your desired behaviour is the normal behaviour.


  •     I joined the immersion and check in with a meditation-partner

Create a motivation ritual: do something you enjoy immediately before a difficult habit.


  •    Burn incense, light candles, get cosy (yet fresh!), sing a song


response: make it easy


Reduce friction. Reduce the number of steps between you and your good habit


  •     I’m not allowed to check my phone until meditation is over

Prime the environment. Prepare your environment to make future actions easier


  •     Prepare your meditation corner before you go to bed

Use the 2-minute rule. Downscale your habits until they can be done in two minutes or less.


  •     Start with 2 minutes of meditation

  •     Focus on small 1% changes

Automate your habits. Invest in technology and onetime purchases that lock in future behaviour.


  •     I download a meditation app that tracks my progress 

reward: make it satisfying


Use reinforcement. Give yourself an immediate reward when you complete your habit


  •     After I meditate, I dance to my favourite music

Use a habit tracker. Keep track of your habit streak and “don’t break the chain”.


  •     I have a calendar and put a cross each time I meditate

Never miss twice. When you forget to do a habit, make sure you get back on track immediately


  •     Report your meditation to your mediation-partner


detailed summary

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